Have you been named an executor of a will for a loved one but don’t know what to make of it? You’re not alone in your dilemma. Dealing with personal loss is overwhelming enough, but when you add a will and the idea of going through probate into the mix, things get really mind-boggling. A Texas probate lawyer is your best chance at figuring this stuff out and probate the will with efficiency and accuracy.

As an executor, you are accountable for the administration of a decedent’s estate. Apart from that daunting title, you also have to locate the assets in the estate and ensure that the deceased’s will is followed just like they wanted.
Typically the executor is named by the deceased in the will. If that person accepts, then they are obligated by law to act in the estate’s best interest, and any breach of this duty could lead to a lawsuit against that person. With this in mind, the executor should hire their local Dallas County probate attorney for the following reasons:
Help relieve the pressure
A lawyer can help you with your executor. Once you are ready to start handling your loved one’s estate, you will need to first seek out a probate attorney to start the process. Not only will your probate attorney file all necessary documents with the court, they will also you understand what exactly your obligations are as an executor of an estate.
Notice to the Creditors and Beneficiaries of the Will Probate Attorney
Once the judge has admitted the will to probate and you have been properly named executor notice must be given to all creditors and beneficiaries of the will. Your probate attorney will assist in this process making sure it is done timely and properly.
Locating and marshaling the assets of the estate
An executor is expected to locate and marshal the assets of the estate, including bank accounts, real estate property, stocks, etc. Once all the information is gathered an inventory will have to be submitted to the court. Your lawyer can help you steer this process with ease and make sure everything is done properly and efficiently.
Taxes and debts
An executor is responsible for using the estate’s assets to pay the deceased’s creditors. This aspect is a significant portion of your duty, and your probate lawyer will ensure that everything is done timely while meeting all requirements. It is also the executor’s responsibility to file any possible estate tax return as well as income tax return. Your lawyer can guide you through this process or help you find someone that can.
Distribute the remaining assets to the beneficiaries
A probate lawyer will review the will and other estate planning documents and help ensure that the assets are distributed to the beneficiaries accordingly. There is a lot of nitty-gritty involved at this stage which means hiring a probate lawyer will be invaluable to you as an executor.